
Upload your static website

· Teapot admin

Teapot now offers a static site hosting functionality. As one of our users, you can upload static files to one of our machines and have them served under either teapot.ovh/~$user or teapot.ovh/@$user. In order to do so, you must first establish an SSH connection to our proxy machine. This is the same instance which holds the HTTP server proxying all our traffic. In fact, the server serving your static files will be the same reverse proxy software. To connect to proxy you can use the following SSH config:

Host honey
  HostName honey.teapot.ovh
  Port 2222
  User $user

Host proxy
  User $user
  ProxyJump honey

Mind replacing $user with your username. It should match the one you have on matrix. Authentication is handled via ssh keys. Please contact the administrator to provide a source for your keys and get your account set-up.

Once you have an account and the configuration is in place, a simple ssh proxy shall prompt you twice for your key’s password and then let you in. On this machine your user does have an home, but please, keep in mind that space is limited. You can use this home as a scratchpad where you can compile your website though, as shown in a later example.

Your website files shall live under /var/www/sites/$user. You can upload files effortlessly via either rsync (suggested) or scp (deprecated):

$ rsync -rav ./your_site/ proxy:/var/www/sites/$user

Mind the trailing slash after your_site. When rsync sees that, it copies the folders contents and not the folder itself. If you forget it, your site may live under teapot.ovh/~$user/your_site and you’ll have some finessing to do in the shell in order to get the files in the correct place.

If you’ve done it correctly, your site or your files should be available under teapot.ovh/~$user or teapot.ovh/@$user.

The whole /var/www/sites folder is 32Gib, so you do have plenty of space for your site. Please be mindful of what you upload, as the disk quota is shared with all the other users!

All files must be chowned to $user:caddy and have a permission of at least +r for the group. To achieve this you can use:

$ chown -R $user:caddy /var/www/sites/$user
$ chmod -R 750 /var/www/sites/$user

Building a hugo website

The command line for the hugo website builder is available on the proxy machine. Therefore, you can use it, alongside with your home folder or /tmp, to build your static website right on the machine. You could develop and automate a script which does something akin to the following:

$ rm -rf /var/www/site/$user/* /var/www/site/$user/.*
$ git clone git@codeberg.org:user/site.git
$ cd site
$ hugo --destination /var/ww/site/$user
$ rm -rf site

A simple improvement could also involve not cloning the repository every time, just pulling from it instead. Ideally, a trivial ansible playbook could be used.