I'm in my third year of studies towards a bachelor's in Computer Sciences at University of Bologna.
Proud member of AdmStaff and CartaBinaria.
I find computer networks and operating systems fascinating.
One of the sysadmins behind teapot.ovh
My public ssh key is here or you can copy it:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFlLjNvtUsR8kz/z6tk98OQGhJQGqhwIIcaNKR5CaIoA
I use multiple gpg keys, but the main one is here or here.
- You can find me on [matrix] at @samu:teapot.ovh
- You can send me plain text emails:
- Self hosted: samu at teapot.ovh
- University: samuele.musiani at studio.unibo.it
other links
My github